About US

The Canadian Naval Association was formed in 1954 and became the Royal Canadian Naval Association in 1963. A series of reunions were held each year with the fifth in Hamilton in June 1959. The Royal Canadian Naval Association-Niagara Region is a registered not-for-profit, and one of 19 active chapters across Canada. Two of the local branches of the RCNA have recently closed, the Burlington branch in 2015 and the Hamilton Branch in 2018.

The Association's aims and objectives according to our by-laws are as follows:

  • To provide a forum or meeting venue whereby persons serving or who have served in the Naval and Maritime Forces of Canada, the Commonwealth or her Allies, and all members of the naval community, in order that they may be kept abreast of changes in maritime matters. 
  • To support the Canadian Navy, both active and reserve, and to support the Cadet Organization and or organizations connected with the Military Forces of Canada. 
  • To perpetuate the glorious traditions of the Navy, Army and Air Forces of Canada, and its Allies, the latter being applicable for membership. 
  • The Association shall perpetuate the memory and deeds of those who gave their lives in all of our military forces.
  • The Association will be non-political, non-sectarian and democratic. It will not be affiliated with, nor connected directly or indirectly to any political party.

Latest News

RCNA Niagara Launches New Website! 

We're very happy to announce the launch of a new website and have a space to share all of the interesting things going on within the Association. Momentum was building in early 2020 and then the pandemic hit which really put a damper on the new ideas and improvements we had planned. Well, it's now 2022 and we're just getting started. This week we launched WWW.RCNANIAGARA.COM and also joined the metaverse with a brand new Facebook page. Content will be added on a continuous basis so be sure to check back in periodically for more news, history, photos and testimonials from our members. If you're on Facebook, you can follow us at @RCNAniagararegion

RCNA Niagara Celebrates the Holidays and Awards Lifetime Membership 

December 12, 2021

After several years of not being able to gather for the holidays, the annual Christmas Luncheon was held again at Betty's Restaurant. The event was well-attended and members were happy to finally be able to celebrate together. A special presentation was planned for outgoing Executive member Marcia Panter, who was recognized for her 25+ years of service and dedication to the Association and its work in the community.

RCNA Niagara Attends Remembrance Day service at HH Knoll Park 

November 11, 2021

Members of the RCNA Executive were honoured to attend the Remembrance Day service at HH Knoll Park in Port Colborne Ontario. The service was hosted by the Port Colborne Legion Branch 56 and the City of Port Colborne. Despite COVID-19 restrictions, the outdoor service was well-attended by members of the public. RCNA Niagara laid wreaths on behalf of the lost sailors and ships, merchant ships and WREN's. Thank you to Port Colborne Legion President Harry Hamilton for the invitation, we look forward to working with you on the service next year.

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